Pasaban is continuously innovating

At Pasaban we are never satisfied; we are always thinking of how to improve and expand our range of machines to offer the best possible solution to our customers. We innovate to make a technological difference in markets as demanding as that of special paper and banknote paper, applying our knowhow to our entire range of products. It is worth noting the technology developed for applying holographic strips in banknotes, as well as the patent obtained for laser punching used to apply the ‘portrait window’, a novel security element in the new series of Euros. In addition, we are continuously conducting research on other materials and sectors in which our technology could make a difference for our customers.

The latest projects we are working on are:

  • EFICUT: Design and development of a new more efficient compact sheeter.
  • BOARD: Design and development of technological solutions for high production cardboard sheeters.
  • FOIL: Design and development of a new system for the automatic and simultaneous change of foil reels.
  • FAST: The supported project has been "Design and development of technological solutions for cutting and stacking oriented to the food sector" (No. ZL-2022/00001-FAST). The objective of the project has been the generation of a technological system for the automatic cutting and processing of reams of food paper. Thanks to this project Pasaban has designed a new technologically superior product following its main technological premises: automation, precision, efficiency and control.
  • CLAM: The supported project has been "Design and development of a technological system for the manufacture of cardboard partitions for industrialized construction" (Nº ZL-2023/00388-CLAM). The objective of the project has been the research on an innovative system of industrialized and automated construction based on cardboard partitions as raw material. Thanks to this project Pasaban has analyzed the feasibility of cardboard and its format or specifications needed to meet the demanding requirements of the application and the sector.
  • AUTOBOX: The supported project has been the 'Research and design of a highly efficient automated machine for the continuous process manufacturing of customized cardboard boxes' (No. ZL-2023/00387-AUTOBOX). The objective of the project has been the design and development of a completely original and proprietary automated machine, in which the entire manufacturing process of custom-printed cardboard boxes can be carried out continuously, synchronized, and efficiently, starting from a coil. Thanks to this project, Pasaban has succeeded in defining the digital printing and LASER cutting means necessary to shape boxes in a fully versatile manner with completely digital changes in printing format and cutting geometry.
    • In 2023 Pasaban received funding from the Basque Government and the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund 2021-2027 (ERDF). Specifically through the Hazitek Program, an aid program to support business R+D.

Gobierno Vasco ayudas
Gobierno Vasco ayudas

Funding for the installation of photovoltaic self-consumption by the Basque Government and the Ministry for the ecological transition and the demographic challenge.

Gobierno Vasco ayudas - Instalación fotovoltaica autoconsumo


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